Acupuncture, an ancient healing tradition originating from China, presents a holistic approach to treating a wide range of illnesses. This alternative method involves the insertion of fine needles at specific points on the body. By harmonizing the flow of qi, acupuncture aims to enhance overall well
“You may experience physical variations or emotions coming into the surface area,” Cavanaugh claims. “It can be great in case you recognize what's occurring within your encounter and inform your practitioner either through or after the cure.”
Before attempting acupressure you need to have a typical
Comme mentionné précédemment, il existe différents varieties de programmes de formation en acupuncture. Les varieties de formation les plus courants sont :
Cœur à Cœur, nous vous offrons une certification transmise dans le même esprit de l’enseignement universitaire en Chine et selon les classiques